Oppose Assisted Suicide

MPs are preparing to vote before Christmas on a Bill that, if passed, will legalise assisted suicide. This is a critical moment for our country. As Catholics, we must act now.

Make your voice heard: Bishop Philip is calling for all Catholics to mobilise in opposition to assisted suicide.

“Speak out against this sinister proposal, and pray earnestly that our legislators and our society will see common sense. For once this line is crossed, our society will never be the same again.” (Bishop Philip Egan)


Read more on our Oppose Assisted Suicide page

Bishop Philip's e-news

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Annual Report 22/23 now published

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Pastoral Letter: You will be My Witnesses

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Become a missionary parish

Our parishes lie at the heart of local communities

We are blessed in our Diocese with many flourishing and faithful people who strive to realise their mission in the service of the Lord and His Church. We see this lived day in and day out, in our schools and our parishes and in the many ways that we serve each other.

We must constantly reflect and think together about how we respond to the needs of those around us so that we can realise our mission in this challenging age, in our fidelity to Christ and His Church to shape the legacy of a vibrant diocese for future generations.

Let us Dream: The Diocese of 2032. Our Aims:

  • To build Christ-centred parishes, devoted to the Lord and passionate about proclaiming His Good News of the gospel to the world
  • To ensure we are responsibly using the Church’s human and material resources in service of that mission
  • To ensure that the programmes and initiative we are beginning will be sustainable in the long-term and meet the needs of those around us.

To help us plan for the future we have identified some priorities and discerned what outcomes we would like to see.

Take a look.

Bishop Philip Egan

Bishop Philip has set a vibrant vision and mission

Friendships. Community. Belonging

Are you looking to belong? Do you cherish good relationships?

Discovering our gifts

Do you need support to help discover your gifts and talents?

Marriage and Family Life

We offer support to couples and families

Parish Life

What is a parish. What is it all about?


Steps on the road of priestly discernment

Meet some of our priests

Latest News

Social Action

There are over 6500 volunteers working on hundreds of community projects across the diocese. Projects that deliver foodbanks, homeless shelters, support for the elderly, the isolated and the vulnerable.

Training for Mission

The Catholic faith is so rich! We want to help you to understand your own faith deeply so that together we can grow in our relationship with Jesus and can bring Him to others.


The Sacraments are the means which God uses to show His grace and help us achieve salvation. The word sacrament means “a sign of the sacred,” which is fitting as they are all outwards signs from God to us.

Support Our Mission

Whether you want to offer your time and talents or support our vital work financially, it's all part of Christian Stewardship and you can really make a difference.

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Youth Ministry

Young people are not the Church of the future, they are the Church of now! The life of Jesus Christ as a young person, is one that Pope Francis invites us to consider.

Young People & Ministry